Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Caution...Loads of Whining...Read at own Risk...

Can someone please explain to me what the hell the fun is in making a virus and sending it out for unsuspecting surfers to stumble upon and download into their computer to totally destroy and corrupt every file they have????? I swear if I get this Trojan thing one more time I'm gonna throw my computer out of the window!!! I just don't get sick and twisted people who sit and dream up this crap...guess this is just the cherry on top of my shitty day sundae...oh fuck...fuckity..fuck...fuck...fuck...I'm going to bed now that I'm done whining like a spoiled 5 year old in dire need of a nap...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Sunday's Craziness

Holidays are so much fun...can't wait till they are over...I find that the closer Christmas gets, the louder my children become...can I ask Santa for a pair of ear plugs??? Or perhaps a nice quiet place to retreat to???

On a lighter note I'm rather enjoying listening/watching Live in Buffalo from the Goo Goo Dolls...pretty good stuff there...shows their dedication to their fans playing in a torential (did I spell that right?) downpour...

First Timer

I see these blogs all over the place and decided I better get with the program...now that I have, I have no clue what I'm gonna ramble about...I'm sure something will come to me sooner or later, but for now this will have to do...Peace, Love and Goo...I'm done