Friday, July 22, 2005

Didja miss me??? Didn't think so....

Well ye ha, it's been quite a long time since I've had a moment to post on my own blog...

Current Status of Me Today....

Job: I got a full time cook's position with the school system I work for... full benefits, a nice raise, more hours and a new school... I was HAPPY to say the least... I've worked very hard to get this opportunity... I'm also babysitting for the summer to make a little extra cash...

Home: My addition is rambling along at "The Tortise and the Hare" speed... I'm actually sitting here waiting for the electrician to arrive. My construction crew is a nice bunch of least it's never a dull moment... the pool...what can I say about the pool other than it's beautiful...not finished completely (still haven't recieved my Polaris, pool cover and test strips for chemicals, but that's okay, they still haven't received my final payment either :oP cause my services were not completey rendered to me) cause the electric hasn't been hooked up and we are running everything by extension cord.

Kids: We currently have all 5 kids at home living with us. Very cramped and at times chaotic, but we're working to improive that situation. Jake had a bad streak of luck, but it's starting to turn around. Poor little guy broke his arm, got walking pnemonia, was whacked in the mouth with a metal baseball bat (by the girl I babysit on accident) and then got swimmer's ear all in the past 8 weeks... He's doing much better now... doing cannon balls and swimming like a fish...Jessica received a letter in the mail to be included in the gifted and talented at school. She's swimming wonderfully...learned to dive and float... always keeping busy she is... Jay is still hiding out in his room, Josh is working almost every day at Wa-Wa pumping gas and John Jr has managed to get a job at a restuarant washing dishes...just wish they could all get along with each other, ya know?!

Family: Here is the hardest part to deal with... let's start with hubby's side... His father lost his battle to Parkinson's disease on April 29th. His passing has been one of the hardest things to deal with. He has always been there and for him not to be is just so hard to swallow... His Mom is coping the best she can. We walk just about every night, but lately it's swimming due to the heat. She's helped me to lose 15 pounds so far and I'm gonna keep trudging on till I finally lose all this post pregnancy/quitting smoking weight that I've been carrying around for almost 9 years.... His sister was going through some rough times with her family and his brother is going to be adding one more to his famiily in January... My side: My parents are still looking/waiting for a place to move far everything has managed to fall through...I really hope they can get the place down here next to Dad has been a bit of a mess lately falling down...he's had to have his elbow drained twice now and he is developing Mom truly needs help now and if she were to live down here I could help her so much more than I already do...waiting on test results for my one brother, my other brother had to endure one of the roughest things to go through as a parent...his oldest step-son who lives with him and his other half attempted suicide last week by hanging was touch and go there for a little bit while he was in ICU, but he is doing so much better this week and was transfered to a "crisis center". I visisted him last night and we talked... I just hope he realizes how lucky he is to have been given a second chance...most don't realize it until it's too late...

Well I guess that's all for now...a little good, a little bad, but always interesting....

Quote of the Day: If life hands you a lemon...throw it at someone!!! ~ John Rzeznik

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