Monday, January 03, 2005

First Post of 2005

Life's been busy even though we've turnedanother page in the New Year's Day was spent first entertaining company that are near and dear to me and then getting a phone call from my Mom informing me that my Dad had fallen in the bathtub landing on the base of his skull...first miracle of 2005 was that after a ride to the ER in an ambulance on a backboard complete with cervical collar, alot of oh my God looks because he couldn't feel the bottom of his right foot, my Dad did not fracture his skull or have to be admitted into the hospital...THANK YOU GOD!!!

And so after my quick trip to the ER (yes, I did say quick...3 hours pays to know people in the medical field), I hung out with my best friend, picked my son up from work and went home.

Sunday was spent watching Jake with a temp of 103...needless to say, we didn't go back to work/school today...we went to the doctor's and was diagnosed with broncitius...good news is we're going tomorrow, at least I am...

Peace out and goodnight *yawn*

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