Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I'm slipping...

It's just been crazy and I have no excuse...

Had alot of crap going on here... decided to go back to school, but now I have to wait until Summer session or Fall to start because of financial aid not coming through fast enough and NOT being ready for the placement test.... Math absolutely terrifies me... Know any good suggestions for remembering basic stuff that you don't really use unless you're baking a cake from scratch or shopping the clearance rack??? So with that, I have to put off going back for a little while, but the good thing is I get more study time...

In other grim news... my father, who just turned 70 Saturday (and for those who really know me, know this is a feat all by itself) went to the doc about his pacemaker in his heart. A few weeks ago he was basically given 10 months to live because his battery in the device runs out and he's not a strong man (see New year's post) Well they told him his opptions for survival and they go like this:
Plan A:
Heart Transplant ~ Gee, sorry, you're not a candidate cause you're old, in bad health all the way around due to kidneys not functioning properly and stuff like that and oh, did I mention wouldn't survive the surgery???
Plan B:
Replacing the pacemaker with a new one.
Plan C:
Leave things the way they are and when the battery goes dead...guess what else goes dead???

So anyways, he's opted to do Plan B...well plan b scares the crapola out of me! If he's not going to survive plan a, what makes them think he'll survive plan b??? When the man had the initial pacemaker put in that was supposed to be same day surgery, he almost died! Was in the hospital for over a week and it's been a downhill slide since... when he had his triple by-pass his week stay was over a month with numerous complications and several oh God he's dead, no wait they revived him... I just don't understand how his doctor can put him through yet another operation... it's crazy... okay, I'm being selffish here...I know it's because he wants to live, but there is no guarentee that this new pacemaker will improve the quality of life, NONE! He may die on the table, he may have a massive stroke that will leave him God forbid a vegetable and in a nursing home! I am just beside myself with what if's and stress and I can't even imagine what my poor mother must be going through...she's been taking care of him for almost 19 years!!! God bless her... She's a saint as far as I'm concerned...

Work is a rat race and another long boring story...and to top it all off, I have stress here at home with a teenage eating machine that won't do anything but eat everything in sight, make messes for me to clean up and give me a hard time! I LOVE my son, but there are times I'd like to duct tape a dirty sock in his mouth! He's bull headed and lazy and a smartass, but I love him and try to be patient...lately the old patience is running thin...

I so need a vacation or a Goo Goo Dolls concert...

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