Monday, December 06, 2004

Let's play 20 questions...

Questions and answers from a magazine...I changed their answers and put in my own...something different...

how the devil are you?
tired and cranky from this damn head cold.
It's Q's round. What's your poison? Water.
So you're off the wagon again? was I on it???.
Do you have any phobias? spiders
Who's your best friend? John/Jennifer.
What's your most vivid childhood memory? Getting my ass whipped...LOL!!!
Describe yourself in five words. Impulsive, Friendly, Impatient, Helpful, Chatterbox
When was the last time you used public transport? Never...
What's the best piece of advice you've ever recieved? If life hands you a lemon...throw it at someone!!!
What's your idea of hell? Waiting on anything.
What's in your pocket right now? paper.
What was your nickname at school? Sambo...Elvira...
What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever bought? too many to I said I'm impulsive...
What's the best practical joke you've ever played? I'm sure it was an April Fools day joke of some sort...
What's your favorite band? Goo Goo Dolls

off to bed...

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