Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feeling Kinda Blah...

Tonight.  Don't know why... just am...I walked on the treadmill, but the adrenaline rush is already gone for walking 2 miles at 2 minutes less than before (44.10 to 42.00 flat...)... I don't know; hope I'm not getting sick; maybe I just need a good night's sleep.  Was pretty bummed to find out that my brother's 11 year sober streak ended 4/9 on his 48th birthday.  I know I should let it go, but I some how feel like Superman isn't real anymore; I can see the wire he was flying from and it's a MAJOR mood killer *sigh*

Tomorrow will be better after some sleep.  I have to be in a better mood; it's one of my friends birthdays, lol... I'm praying for sunshine for them...

Well off to pick the man boy up from work and then perhaps  I will find my bed and get some shuteye...

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